 Dhilna Nazrin   ONLINE CLASS AND STUDENTS MENTAL HEALTH On 31 December 2019, the first COVID-19 case has been reported in Wuhan, china. Everyone felt it as a normal viral disease which will be got over soon, but it was just a beginning.    The world experiences a different phase of life, where people stuck down to homes, and our cute similes were covered by mask, later our schools were shut down and classes were converted to online teaching mode.    COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools, colleges and educational institutions to shut down since March. Students experience a digital form of lecturing where their friends and teachers are far away and there is no physical contact among them. As like every coin has two side online learning has its advantages and disadvantages.   Advantages of online learning • Distant students have an easy availability of education. • There is no particular age limit to learners. • No need ...


Dhilna Nazrin

Loneliness in Adulthood

There is no point in raising the question, Have you ever experience loneliness in your life? Because I know that each one of us who is reading this post might have experienced it in once in their lifetime.

I had gone through some statistical Datas before writing this post and am really shocked by seeing it. Earlier I thought loneliness is a common issue among people but once I had completed my research, I came to realisation that it's not a silly thing. the topic really matters to say aloud.

While I was going through the research section, I read story of a person who used to hug his clothes in order to experience the affection of being hugged, and a person who got isolated from his surroundings for having a disability, we rarely see these people and because of our unseen nature these people are suffering from loneliness.

Loneliness is a feeling that people are not with you, where people don't understand you, you don't feel connected with them; you feel alone. But you have to understand one important fact that loneliness is not only carving you , the percentage of people suffering from loneliness is increasing tremendously. In American 50% of people suffers from it, and while having an eye to the situation of U.K atleast 45% of people  have experienced loneliness in some of their time and 1/8 adults says that they have no close what am conveying through this statistical data is that you are not the one person who is suffering from loneliness, there are millions of people with the same cause.

Loneliness is not effecting any particular section of population it has been experiencing by all of us at least once in our lifetime, some people get recover from it soon others will stuck on to it .

Many of us have a pre-assumption that I am feeling loneliness because I'm not having friend, but you have to realise that it's only one cause of it. There are people who have many friends but still feeling loneliness. its mainly depends on our perception of looking to things and having a meaningful relationship with people, loneliness can be experienced in crowded place as well as in an empty room, you can be isolated but not necessary to feel alone. it doesn't means physical Loneliness the thing is about mental loneliness. 

Loneliness can also take place where your expectations about friends and relatives don't meet up with reality. some people have huge expectations and dreams about their relationship and when it doesn't come to factuality, they may feel lonely. There are people who use social media platforms in order to detach themselves from surrounding but the reality is that it's actually increasing their level of loneliness, people mostly post their good events on social media about their trips and funs ,this impliedly create an unsatisfied feeling inside our minds that we are leading a bad life or we are not having enough fun with people etc. these create negative and sad feeling inside us. Most people are not willing to share their imperfections on social media, they used to upload their best and satisfied pictures.

The most appalling part of this topic is that while people are talking about loneliness they are mainly focusing on old age people because we all have an insight that they are experiencing more loneliness but the fact is the relationship between loneliness and age is like a U shape where younger generation and old generation faces loneliness more than others.
BBC reports says that 16-24 age group people experience more intense and often loneliness than other age groups. It's mainly due to their identity change and figuring out their place in this world and regulation of emotions in them.

Loneliness causes more problem than obesity and smoking it increases the level of death by 26%, heart attacks by 29% and stroke level by 32%. Loneliness is often at root and always contributes to depression, because we human being are built into part of groups to depend on each others and vice versa. British government has a minister for loneliness, this data has speaks out the fact that loneliness is an issue need to take to our consideration seriously

Don't be a pressure cooker of your own mind, Expel the tension and problems haunting you to your closest Friends or relatives.

Being a compassionate listening is giving permission to other person to empathies their heart. Let's be a good listener without being judgmental, and having filters in order to unload the pressure inside their cooker.


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