Dhilna Nazrin
Whether you know the fact that trees do talk ?
Recently I had gone through a book Named "The Hidden life of Trees" . I was so inquisitive by it's title and each chapters was so fascinating and filled with lots knowledge. So I thought of sharing an interesting fact that came to my realization with you...
Yes trees do talk, but unlike the way that of we human beings do, so let's discuss about how this mechanism is taking place in them.
Trees form the foundation of Forest, and also plays a major role in upholding the nature. They furnishes two essential component of life, food and oxygen. Besides that trees also helps in providing medicine, shelter, tools etc..
Trees also help in moderating the effect of Rain, wind and sun. Leaves helps in absorbing sun's radiant and Keeps the atmosphere cool in summer. It also lowers the air temperature and also reduces heat intensity of greenhouse gases by maintaining low level of carbon dioxide.
Trees actually talk to themselves, so you will be having a question what does it talks about? Can we learn to speak their language?
In this technologically developed era, we human beings use internet in order to connect with our friends and relatives.
Trees also using a network connection to get communicated, ie; Nature's internet.
Trees are actually talking, wagering war etc, but unlike that of human beings their communication is taking place below our feet ie; under the soil, they are having a vast interconnected system which lies between the roots of trees.
The whole process start with hub trees (Oldest and tallest trees) in the forest, they have more access to sunlight through photosynthesis, they produce more sugar than needed; fungi need sugar to survive.
Fungi and roots of trees maintain a symbiotic relationship known as mycorrhizal.
Their relationship connects trees in the forest together and forms an underground communication ; they exchange nutrients and water, and even send warning signals in tread situation.
Plants use fungi to send messaging each other, if any pest attack them they release chemical signals through their roots; so they can warn their neighbours to raise defence.
Sometimes you may be little inquisitive to know about how many trees are talking to each other?
According to reports one tree can be connected to 47 other trees, if a hub tree is removed then there occurs 47% loss in connection.
Oldest trees has largest mycorrizal connection with other trees. They use fungal network to supply seedlings with sugar to younger trees to increase chance of better survival especially during when they are sick or in dying condition.
Through fungal network, trees share resources with each other, this system has been nicknamed as 'wood wide web'.
But this wood wide web has dark side too.ie; Some orchids hack the system to steal resources from nearby trees and others species like black walnut, spread toxic chemicals through the network to sabotage their rivals. Scientist are still searching reasons for why plants was doing this?
Plants plays a vital role because they forms the backbone of our life on earth and are essential resource for human beings.
Next time while glancing a tree try to observe its hidden phases too.